Friday, July 23, 2010

On Seeing The Lord

“My ears had heard of you

But now my eyes have seen you.”

Job 42:5 (NIV)

We often yearn to see God. Whether it is through another’s deeds or watching His workings in nature, we get a miniscule glimpse of what He does.

Job, with his ordeals, came away wiser than he was before. He lost everything but his life. And he could still say he saw God. He goes further and repents of his doubts and his questioning.

Do we have doubts and questions about what God is doing in our lives? Sometimes. We have times of uncertainty because we still have a tiny bit of humanity in our hearts.

How can we overcome these times of disbelief?

We can go to the Lord and listen to what He has to say. We then choose either to surrender our concerns to Him or keep them in our hearts and allow those issues to color our lives in bad ways-choosing the latter avenue will harden our hearts, cause our outlook to become grim, and could allow our health to deteriorate.

What we decide allows us to grow in the Lord or to lose ground spiritually. The choice is ours. If we decide to follow the Lord’s leading, we please Him, learn more about Him and very possibly see Him.

1 comment:

  1. "What we decide allows us to grow in the Lord or to lose ground spiritually. The choice is ours. If we decide to follow the Lord’s leading, we please Him, learn more about Him and very possibly see Him."

    Wow. Such wisdom. My husband and I were discussing this topic at breakfast a few days ago, when I read James 4:8, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." The understood subject in that statement is YOU. Our relationship with the Lord is more dependent on our choices than we've thought!

    I want to see the Lord and please Him. I pray I'll make astute choices.

    Great post, my dear! Thanks for your insights,


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