Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thoughts About God


God makes us. He creates the beauty of the earth.

No man can duplicate the breath-taking picture of the sky on a bright cloudless day. He displays His majesty in the roll of thunder.


God protects us. He keeps us safe from harm. Several years ago, a man worked in a factory adjacent to a furnace that baked the product his department produced. One day he overslept and then had car trouble. These things caused him to be late to work. When he arrived at the plant, he found out the furnace had exploded.


God provides for us. As I searched for an alternate way to send one of the newsletters I write, He reminded me of a type of file I have received information in. I finished the upcoming edition of the smaller newsletter and sent it to be proofed. The man sent it back to me with a request. He supplied me with a copy of another group’s newsletter in that file format with the information he asked to be included in our ministry’s upcoming edition.


God comforts us. Where would we be if He didn’t wipe away our tears when we are in sorrow? He wraps His arms around us and draws us to Him.

God heals us. God heals us according to His will. He can take away the illness and leave us here for a while longer. He allows us to have ways to deal with chronic conditions that He has chosen not to cure. He can call us home and heal us in Heaven.


God forgives us, if we ask for it. He wouldn’t be a loving father, if He let us carry our guilt and shame around in a bucket everywhere we went.


  1. Great post! Yes, God does all of these things--and they're all wonderful. How blessed we are!

  2. thank you for always writing good things...

  3. Yes, He is everything we need and all the things we don't realize we need. I'm so thankful to have Him in my life!

  4. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    It always warms my heart to hear how God meets the needs of His children. Thank you.

    Susan :)


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