Friday, July 30, 2010

God’s Gifts To Us

2 Peter 1:13

In my research on a topic, I found a scripture that spoke to my soul. The topic-abundance-was one I considered speaking on ten years ago. The passage told of God’s bestowal of grace and peace in ABUNDANCE from our relationship with Him through His Son Jesus. As I soaked this thought into my mind and heart. I recognized that all the peace robbing facets of our lives are active because we allow them free access into our lives. That makes us our own worst enemies.

I sit here early this afternoon, awaiting the time my husband and I depart for his medical appointment. We will receive the results from an MRI. At one time, I would be worried-scared out of my mind. But I have learned a few principles of faith that keep me calm.

Principle 1 God is in control.

Principle 2 He only allows things into our lives that will ultimately make us stronger.

Principle 3 He only wants what’s best for us.

Principle 4 If something happens to either my husband or me, we will be with Him in Heaven.

Principle 5 Because of the previous four faith facts, I shouldn’t have any lingering worries.

Principle 6Those popcorn worries, those that seem to come from nowhere, I will turn over to my Lord,      God Almighty. He’s the only one who can handle them anyway.

God gives us these assurances when we choose to learn of Him, spend time with Him and seek His guidance.

1 comment:

  1. He does want us to have peace, and too often we allow ourselves to be robbed of that. These are wonderful principles; thank you for sharing your heart.


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