Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Grace and Peace in Abundance

“Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the

knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine

power has given us everything we need for life and

godliness through our knowledge of him who called

us by his own glory and goodness.” 2 Peter 1:23 (NIV)

Abundance definition Plentiful Supply

Physical World

Abundance of crops in years the earth receives the exact amount of moisture needed we have a plentiful supply of apples, tomatoes, corn and wheat.

Abundance of Ideas and Resources When we have plans for a project, we start with just an idea. We ponder how to complete the plans. Thoughts begin to flood our minds. Sometimes, committees working on a new idea have so many thoughts that the panel bogs down in an effort to discover solutions to problems that arise.


God promises us through Peter that we will have an abundance of grace-God’s favor and peace, through our relationship with God through His Son. God Almighty has given us all we need to know about how we should live for Him. We have His Word. We have access to Him through prayer. As God’s children, we shouldn’t have any unsolved problems.

Faith, Belief
Jesus tells us we need to have faith and not doubt. He also tells us we have to believe in order to receive what we seek in prayer.

*We have to believe God exists.

*We have to understand He is in control.

*We have to recognize He wants the best for us, His children.

*We are to not doubt Him when He gives us answers to prayer.

*We have to learn to accept what He gives us, even if that answer wasn’t what we wanted.

*We have to learn how to approach Him when we have a need. We have to ASK.


  1. Good post. He is faithful.

  2. Wow. Of all the items God could have promised and given us, I think peace is at the top of everyone's wish list, don't you?

    May grace and peace be yours today, dear sister.


  3. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    Grace and peace - okay third time in two days. I guess I need to hear this.

    Susan :)

  4. Thank you for this. It's beautiful.


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