Monday, September 6, 2010

Trials and Travails

We are hard pressed on every side

but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;

persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down,

but not destroyed. 2 Corinthian 4:89

The scripture describes how a lot of people feel these days. The unemployment rate is in double digits. Those needing to support families are doing hauling jobs and parking cars at sporting events in order to feed their kids.

People face illnesses they haven’t had to deal with before. Every day we hear of more families dealing with a loved one’s health issues. They struggle to understand what they need to do to help the patients through the ordeal.

Believers find it more difficult to express their faith in the world. In certain settings, in the season we celebrate our Savior’s birth the workers can’t wish a customer a merry Christmas unless the customer initiates it. In my last job, I had to remake a calendar listing the dates we would be closed in December and January because I had included an image of a Christmas tree and the words, “Merry Christmas” on it. It seems that the year before one of our patrons had gotten offended. To her, Christianity was a cult.

In spite of all these seemingly harsh times and they way they appear to us, we can overcome them. God will show us a way to conquer these times of financial uncertainty. Our Lord will lead those of us through uncharted territories of family or personal illness. He will help us express our faith and will reward us when we do.


  1. All the more reason to allow Him to gently lead us each day.

  2. I needed that today Cecelia. Thank you.

    My cousin told me recently that our local Olive Garden restaurant had no Christmas decorations last year. When asked, the server said that they were "skipping" the Christmas holiday so not to offend those who didn't celebrate it. Sad.


  3. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    I don't know why we're surprised by the present conditions. We've been silent, while those who would strip our freedoms are vocal.

    May God have mercy on us.



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