Friday, November 5, 2010

Always Joyful

Be joyful always;

1 Thessalonians 5:16

Paul tells the Thessalonian believers to do something that seems hard for people, then and now. He says, “Be joyful always;” what does he mean? Can a person be joyful in the face of personal tragedy, financial stress, illness that could become debilitating or even terminal?

When we know the Lord walks with us, guides us through, and comforts us. We can find joy in our circumstances. Sometimes we have to find a little beam of light in the dark times to see our way through. It is this little shaft of light that keeps us able to continue on our path.

For that little bit of light, we are thankful.


  1. I needed this today,dear friend. I am looking for joy in my Lord, even though I received a disappointment elswhere.


  2. Amen! QS. Sometimes one tiny beam of light is all we have. And it is always enough.

    I'm sorry about the blog comment/email difficulties. I guess continue to use my alternate email address.

    Your comments are showing up on my blog, BTW.


  3. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    I've gone through some difficult times in the past seven years. Seeing God's loving provision and protection brought much joy. I knew no matter what happened that I was loved.

    Susan :)


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