Monday, November 29, 2010

Preparation for Christmas

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness:

‘Prepare the way of the Lord;

Make His paths straight.” Isaiah 40:3 (NKJV)

Over the years people in our society have devoted a quantity of time getting ready for Christmas. People make time for shopping for the ‘right gift.’ They decorate their homes with numerous Christmas trees, wreaths, mistletoe and colorful centerpieces. Mothers bake cookies and make candies for their families and friends. I think these things are nice if the people do them with the spirit of Christ in their hearts.

Sometimes, in all of this preparation, People push Christ aside. Interesting enough all this preparation consumes more time than the holiday itself.

Due to the economic issues facing our nation, people seem to be doing the preparation in a down-scaled fashion. Because of all we hear about the financial state of the banking and the automotive industries, people don’t know where they stand with their incomes and their insurance coverage.

Some questions come to the forefront of this blogger’s mind:

1. Are we preparing for Christ at all?

2. Do we honor Christ with our lifestyle?

3. Shouldn’t we reflect Christ as we prepare for His birthday?

4. Shouldn’t we live for Christ every day?

The thought of keeping Christ in Christmas intrigued me when, as a child, I saw a banner hanging on a small building set up for bell ringers. It read “Keep Christ in Christmas.” I didn’t know what they meant.

Now, as I watch television and read the newspaper, I notice the commercialism of Christmas. On television, I hear local businesses as they wish us “Happy Holidays.” I heard one particular business say “Merry Christmas.”

I read recently where a company that sells sporting goods has rethought its approach to how it advertises for Christmas. The buying public contacted the corporate office and voiced its concern of the nonuse of ‘Christmas’ in the company’s print and media advertisements. I think this is a small yet positive beginning for a change to bring Christ back into our observance.

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