Friday, November 26, 2010

We Give Thanks To God

“Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;

make known among the nations what he has done.”

1 Chronicles 16:8

Thank You, God, for who You are-our Lord, our Savior, our King.

Thank You, Lord, for Your works in our lives our salvation, our talents,

and our skills.

Thank You, Father, for what You have given us our families, our friends, our occupations, our homes, our very lives.

Thank You, Lord, for our health and well-being, our safety.

Thank You, Father, for our nation, wherever we live.

Thank You, God, for Your guidance and direction as we go through this life.

Thank You, Lord, for being there with us what ever we face in this life.

Thank You, Jesus for Your presence in our lives.


  1. AMEN!!! Beautiful list of thankfulness on a week of reflection to our Lord!!

  2. Amen!
    We could fill the universe with pages of thanks to Him, couldn't we?



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