Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Simeon’s Prayer

“‘Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace.

For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared

in the sight of all the people, a light to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.’”

Luke 2:29-32 (NIV)

Simeon, a man filled with the Holy Spirit, saw God’s son and praised God. The Holy Spirit had disclosed Simeon would see the Lord’s Child before he died. Stirred by the Holy Spirit, Simeon entered temple courts and saw the ultimate promise of God.

How would we have acted if the Holy Spirit had told us we would see God incarnate before we left this earth? Would we feel honored or would we think we were being tricked?

For me, it would depend on where I stood with God. If I wasn’t living for Him, I would be scared. But then, I might not be told this because I wasn’t doing what pleased the Lord God. If I was in His will, I would feel honored and very blessed to be told this great news.

I don’t believe I would have told anyone else because they might think I was boasting. I would keep it between God, the Holy Spirit and myself.


  1. It would be difficult to trust, but that's what faith is. What an honor!

  2. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    What an honor God gave him! He was pulled from obscurity and there to confirm the birth of the Messiah.

    Susan :)


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