Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Test for Patience

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you

face trial of many kinds because you know the

testing of your faith develops perseverance.

James 1:3 (NIV)

I have learned to love this scripture. For a long time, I focused on the first part of the passage. I couldn’t understand how I was supposed to ‘consider it pure joy’ when I had a child with special medical needs, when I had a family that, for the most part, seemed to not care about others without wanting something for themselves. Their habits and way of live now seem mostly unacceptable. I know now they all needed God in their lives.

One Sunday as I sat in church, the pastor read this scripture. My mind began to focus on the last part of the passage. All at once, the advice from James made perfect sense.

What I have learned is that God can use our trials and times of difficulties and uncertainty to teach us and refine us into what He wants us to be.

Friends of ours had a son and a daughter in the first Gulf War. Both parents found the time their children were in Saudi very difficult. The mother went through a terrible time of depression. The father had to manage their business but he still had doubts and some fears. Both the son and the daughter returned home safely. Their concern for their daughter was real. That daughter found simple things to be thankful for-things she and a lot of us had taken for granted. She married and found the Lord. She and her husband have two children. All four of them serve the Lord and are a pleasure to know.

We don’t desire the difficult times in our lives but when those times are behind us, with God on our side, we can remember how He guided us through and give Him thanks.


  1. you know, i used to suffer a lot with depression, and went through lots of childhood things that i would not wish any baby to go through...but, i understand why it all happened now. even though i am a new christian, and wasn't one when i was going through these hard things, i understand why it happened. so i can tell my God story i think. how He can cure anything, and give new hearts and brains to those who ask for them.

  2. We always learn something from these different challenges and seasons, don't we? Sometimes it's whether we want to or not. :) It's easier, for me anyway, when I am open and willing.
    Happy Mother's Day weekend!

  3. Yes, I feel the same way. It's no fun going through trials, but my faith is always stronger afterward.


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