Friday, August 19, 2011

Kept in Perfect Peace

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose

mind is steadfast because he trusts in you.”

Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

Perfect peace is peace God gives. When I was in college there was a saying that went something like this: “If you can keep your head when all around have lost theirs, you just don’t know the situation.” Looking back on those days the saying was not grounded in faith. It was the 1960s.the thought probably grew out of the attitude of the times.

, While we are on this earth, we will not ever be free from turmoil in our lives but we have a Lord that takes away the pain and confusion.

“Steadfast” is an old word that reminds us of being steady in our beliefs. We have to keep our eyes and our minds on Jesus in order to acquire His peace.

“trusts” places reliance upon another. In our Christian walk, we have to learn to rely on Jesus. As Christ’s children, we discover that we can’t handle anything in our lives without His guidance,

“in him” Our dependence can’t be in our own strength, on things we have, on our resources, our knowledge, or our connections. We have to look to Jesus Christ to guide us through each day of our lives.


  1. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    This verse holds special meaning for me. The Lord brought this to mind during a severe crisis, and reassured me that all would be well.

    Susan :)

  2. Susan:
    God has His way of calming our hearts when we allow Him to work through His Holy Spirit. I'm thankful that He guided through your crisis.


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