Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Are We Truly Thankful?

For the bounty which are to receive, we thank you, Oh God.
  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,

by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,

present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

We sometimes accept a gift from God and just keep on going. When we do this we grieve His Spirit. After we know Him through  worship, our desire is to please Him.

Parents teach young children by modeling the practice of saying ‘Thank you’ to them and to each other. When the parents know the child has learned to respond with the right words, they start the process over with the phrase, ‘You’re welcome.’ About the same time, when someone gives the child something, the parents remind the child to thank the person by asking, “What do you say?”

When our son was a toddler, Hubby took him to a local racetrack to watch the qualifications for an annual event. They were sitting in the grandstand behind a couple of women. The two made over our son. One asked to give him a cookie. Hubby gave the okay and our little guy took it and said, “Thank you; I welcome.” The woman who offered it said, “Yes, honey, you sure are.”

We should give thanks for the small things, as well as the large things God does for us. Our thanks should come as soon as we recognize that God has done something for us.

Are we thankful for the small things?

Do we thank God for the rainy, damp and dismal days?

Do we thank Him when we feel discouraged?


For another's thoughts on Thanksgiving go to Beneath The Surface:Breath Of Faith


  1. Cecelia,
    Thanking Him in all things is our goal, yes? I guess we must recognize just as we do with our children, that it takes paying attention, being sensitive and training ourselves to do it until it comes naturally! Thankfully we have His Spirit to lead us into all Truth. Thankful for you, Sister!

  2. So much to be thankful very much!

    Blessings and prayers,

  3. Oh, I love this story about your son! I hope I have this same attitude with my Heavenly Father.

  4. Good questions! This is a great reminder for us to cultivate and have a thankful heart. Thanks for the challenge! :)

  5. Karen:
    All that we have in life comes to us as gifts from God. If we didn't believe this, we would be selfish people. We have to have a gratitude attitude in order to have a relationship with Him.

  6. Jeanette:
    Thank you for the kind thought. We all should develop this
    attitude with our Heavenly Father. It only grows in us as we learn of Him.

  7. Andrea:
    Thank you for your warm thought. One of the men at our church is a quadripeligic. He is one of the most thankful persons I have met. He's in his 50s and was in an accident when he was 17. If he can give thanks to God, I know I can,also.

  8. Dawn:
    Thank you for your wisdom in your comment. We DO have to pay attention and develop a sensitivity to how God and others display kindness toward us.

  9. Great reminders, Cecilia. Thanks so much for sharing. I've seen several people doing a Thanksgiving challenge on Facebook, where they put something they're thankful for each morning. It's a great habit to get into, isn't it?

  10. Sarah:
    Thank you for stopping by. Also thanks for your input about the FB challenges. I don't get there everyday but my blog posts show each time I post, usually three times a week (Mon,Wed,Fri.)
    Fell free to stop in anytime.


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