Friday, February 10, 2012

God’s Everlasting Love

“I have loved you with an everlasting love;

I have drawn you with loving kindness.”

Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV)

God never falls out of love with us. He lovingly knit us together (Psalm 139) in our mothers’ wombs. He made us exactly as He wants us to be.

He knows in advance what we will do and say in our lives. (That’s scary. That means He knows when I will loose control and say something He won’t like.)

He rejoices when we rejoice. He laughs when we react to a funny joke or circumstance. God also cries when we find ourselves sad. A friend from high school recently posted to our class’s Facebook page that her husband had died. All those who responded shared her grief and told her they would pray for her.

God hears us when we cry out to Him in our times of loss. He loves us but sometimes has to do some things that hurt us at that time. We have to understand that God has everything under His control even the things that seem hard for us. What He does for us He does out of His great never-ending love for us.

Our Father listens when we talk to Him. He lets us know when He comes near. When we have concerns about our lives or the lives of those close to us, He is there to help us view the options. He guides us through the times of self-doubt and allows us to understand Him and ourselves better.

He does these things and many more for you and me because He loves us forever.


  1. Isn't it wonderful to know that God always knows what's best for us? Thanks for a though-inspiring post.


  2. Jean:
    Thank you for your thoughts. God knows because He's God.


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