Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Honor God with the First Fruits

“Bring the best of the first fruits of your soil to the house of your God.” Exodus 34: 26

As a young adult, I heard tithing explained in a way that demonstrated how this verse was carried out. A farmer took his wagon to the field at harvest time. He divided the bed of the wagon by separating a section one-tenth the size of the bed. As the workers harvested the crop- be it corn, wheat, or apples. The best of the crop would be placed in the area separate from the larger part of the wagon. Those things picked and placed in the smaller area became the Lord’s.

Have we ever thought about what all God gives us? All he asks in return is one-tenth of what we have.

When I became convicted about my need to tithe, I worked where my pay days were every two weeks and came at or near the beginning of the week. When I sat down to pay bills, I established the habit of writing my tithe check first.

When we took travel vacations, I wasn’t employed at that time What ever spending money I was given, I tithed also. These exercises taught me several lessons. I learned to obey God about giving back to Him, and to appreciate what He had given me. Both of these things seem to have brought honor to God.

Toward the end of December, I received word that I had made a mistake in my checking account. This affected two of my checks I had written. Because of this error and the charges I accrued, I had an interesting January. I lived like a miser. During the month I received two reimbursements for items I had purchased; one had a sad side to it. A company that I had ordered a tee shirt went out of business. This caused the group I bought the shirt from to issue refunds to all who had paid for one.

God has been with me through this time. Because of the experience, I have started keeping a better track of my funds. I evaluate my purchases closer (Do I really need that right now?)

Our local newspaper has decided to “offer” subscriptions to its online daily editions. I have to consider how this could impact my funds. And two women at our church are presenting a Financial Peace University class for about three months. Somehow they have a reduced rate for those who attend. The younger of the two women is the granddaughter of a personal friend. I want to attend but there again; I want to honor the Lord with my decision.


  1. I always think: what a deal... 10% for God, 90% for God. We would be crazy not to accept that.

  2. The Lord always keeps His word, and He told us He'd honor us if we give him first place.

    Like you, we've seen some fun miracles!

    Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Marja:
    Thank you for your thought. He allows us to have so much because He loves us so.

  4. Jeanette:
    Thank you for your comment. When God rewards us for following His word, it seems we have that much more to thank Him for.


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