Saturday, March 31, 2012

“The Holy One of God”

Read John 6: 60-69

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go?

You have the words of eterne life.

We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”

John 6: 68-69 (NIV)

In assembling a list of scripture readings for those in our Easter Drama, I included this passage for the actor who portrays Peter.

It wouldn’t leave my mind. It brought up several questions about my stance with Jesus, which led to my thinking about the relationship with 21st Century citizens in general.

Can I, can all those I see in church say what Peter said? Could I say that He has the words of eternal life? Can I say that I, along with Peter and the other disciples, believe and know that He is the Holy One of God?

Each day, if we are serious about our faith, we have a time to read God’s Word. We also make time to pray for those in need, and for our own needs and desires.

Each time we speak, we try to speak words softly. We try to keep our negative emotions in check. When we are in the marketplace conducting business, this is very important. I recently failed at this. I realized how I came across and, before I left, I apologized to the lady.

When we are wrong in our actions, we hurt Jesus and we should also tell Him we are sorry for letting him down. When others hurt us, we should forgive them, as He forgives us.

As Lent draws to an end, those of us who practice the giving up of a food or an activity, may return to that practice. I am not sure if I will go back to my pre-Lenten habit or not. I have to pray about it.

Peter recognized Jesus’ deity. In the 21st Century He calls us to His feet and awaits our recognition of Who He Is.

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