Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We Are Blessed-RJD#9

Journal entry from May 12, 1998

(I had a project to make a visual aid for bulletin board to highlight a missions project.)

I worked on the solar oven visual aid for our project for Haiti. One of the missionaries there, Della Land, had invented and written about these ingenious sun-powered ovens. They were vital to the Haitian families.

1.) Haiti had no trees. The people had to cut them in order to have charcoal to cook with.

2.) The charcoal supply had been exhausted.

3.) Electricity is so terribly expensive.

While I worked on my model, I was thinking, We are blessed

Later that evening I found myself thinking
Again how we are blessed. I made the following entry into my journal.

We Are Blessed

We are blessed. . .
            If we know God as our personal Savior,
            If we have a roof over our heads,
            If we have clothes to wear,
            If we have gas or electric stoves,
            If we have a few close friends,
            If we have a few good memories,
            If we or someone close to us has been healed of disease,
            If we have good neighbors,
            If we have someone to laugh or cry with us,
            If we can see beauty,
            If we can hear laughter,
            If we can shed tears,

            When we can enjoy God’s creation,
            When we commune with God himself,
            When we pause and listen to the birds,
            When we watch children play.
            When we watch animals run to and fro,
            When we pray for another’s need.

            We are blessed because God loves us, and shed His grace upon us because of that great love.
Linking up to Beneath the Surface: Breath of Faith


  1. Wow! Just wonderful sharing! One of our church members (and sweet friend) who is a nurse is in Haiti to work with training nurses there for a few weeks! God is good! Sometimes He allows us to be a blessing to others- THanks Cecelia!

    1. Thank you for your thoughts. We serve a wonderful, mighty, and caring God. I've never been on a missions trip. The church we presently attend has had several missions trips to Appalachia and to hurricane and tornado devastated areas. Haven't been able to go. I am thankful for those who can go. Thank you for visiting.

  2. We are blessed, indeed! For all this and so much more...

    Happy summer, Cecelia!

    1. Rhonda:
      We are so blessed. We don't always realize how many times we receive a special 'something' from God.

  3. Yes, we are. I was upset recently about something. While in the bathroom, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "What are you doing?" I realized that even functions we take for granted, some people do not have. It made me ashamed for my unthankful heart, and I quickly repented!

    1. God has a way of doing that, doesn't He? The other week, I had to ask God to allow me to get through a very busy day without my getting upset. I found myself getting frazzled as I tried to race the clock. He caught me in time to keep me from going over the edge. Praise God when He speaks to us.


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