Friday, June 1, 2012

Lord, You Are There RJD #10

A few of my journals. Background is a prayer shawl.

Journal Entry December 9, 1998

Lord, I know You are there, even thought I feel things that alarm me. I see and hear things that make me sad. I know You are with me because your word says, “I will never leave or forsake thee.” (Deuteronomy 31:6; 31:8)

There are times when I can feel Your presence and yet all I hear and all I see are attempts to draw me away from You. My heart aches when things are presented to me to make me sad. My eyes get red when I see things that are not as You would want them.
            But, I know You are there because I believe that You are protecting me under those big strong arms of love. (Psalm 91:4)
            I know You are there because I believe You hold me in the hollow of Your hand. (Hymn-When the Storm Passes By, by Mosie Lister) (Exodus 22:33)
            I know You are there because You are watching over me, guiding caring, protecting, and caring for me like a shepherd does his flock.
(Psalm 23, John 10:11)
            I know You will see me through this difficult time because I believe You love each of Your children as if that child was the only one You have.

This entry was written at a hard time in my life. We had lost my stepmother the end of September and I was in grief. I had some other issues keep popping up in my life.
 The journals in my picture are a few of my own. The black one is a leather case that I can purchase inserts for. It was a Christmas gift from my son several years ago. The brown one was given to me by the president of the board of the nonprofit I work with. The blue one is a rummage sale find this past weekend. The blue and white one, I don’t remember how I got it.


  1. Cecelia, you bless me with your heart and how you are just stretching yourself in the blogging world! I am smiling at your sweet share this week! I appreciate the way you take God at His word in the face of adversity and remind yourself and Him with your writing affirming His infallibility! LOve to see the real life journals of my fellow writers. Good find on the rummage sale deal! I found a pretty one for 5 dollars today at Michaels and will use it this Summer. It has roses on it and is so pretty...

    1. Dawn: Thank you for your kind thoughts. God has blessed me in so many different ways over the course of my life. I am just now able to see how He worked things out for His glory.

  2. The scriptures you shared are such a comfort. Thanks, as always, for your timely reminders to continue to trust Him.


    1. Karen:
      Thank you for your kind thoughts. I have learned that God is there with us and for us, no matter what we face.

  3. Hi Cecelia -

    I love reading the excerpts from your journals. Most of mine are written as letters to the Lord.

    Susan :)

    1. Susan:
      Thank you for sharing. I have to do some more searching for other journals. I'd like to read some of your pages,if you wouldn't mind.

  4. "I know that you are there because..." Profound way to remind yourself (and me) of His presence no matter what the situation--to list promises from the Word, and ways you've experienced Him in the past. It's something I must remember to do, rather than dwelling on what I'm facing in particularly difficult times. Thank you.

    1. You're welcome. I'm thankful that these words spoke to you. When we face difficulties, our humanity can cause us to forget that God is with us and going through the issue by our side.

  5. Oh, those touchstones of trust are what can keep us going in those hard time - I consider those touchstones to be those Bible verses you shared here in your post. We all need those to help us through hard times.

    1. Thank you for your insightful kind comments. You are right, each of us need God and His help as we go through the difficult times the world throws at us.


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