Friday, June 22, 2012

Lord, I Give You My Best RJD #13

I found some more old journals in my bookcase. This entry, taken from mid May 1999, reflects my desire and my frustration. I had been asked to work on a large project for the General Conference of the denomination I belonged to at that time. The project was to coordinate the daycare. It involved planning the daily activities, making decorations, and staffing. The planning involved deciding on and purchasing snacks, as well as finding kids songs, activities (rhythm band, play-dough, dress up, videos, puppets and stage.) I also had to purchase drawing/painting supplies. A dear friend had worked in daycare; she found me some men’s shirts and donated them. She also donated the play dough and the cookie cutters. She looked over my plans when I needed help.

I took a liberty with the poem; I edited it to make it more in line with form and ‘meter’.


“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in he name of the Lord Jesus. Giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 (NIV)

“If any one speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:11 (NIV)

Lord, Your word tells us to give
Each task our very best.
The apostles tell us this so that
Each day it’s for you we live.

You taught us to give each day
To You and to Your care.
When we obey this dear lesson,
We know You are there all the way. 

Father, You ask us to show
Your love, to others-not easy.
But You make a way for us
And guide us through from above.

Lord, I want to do my very best
As I work each day for you.
I do it because I love You.
You love me, I am blest.

Jesus, I need Your great strength.
Help me to stay obedient.
Guide me as I walk our path,
Please, dear Lord, help me through.

Lord, you go before me this day.
Thank You for being with me.
Guiding, encouraging, any yes,
Leading me along the way.

Helper, please take each care of mine
About these plans about my life.
Mould them to Your liking,
Because these plans are thine.

Savior, when I go to my final rest
When You call me home.
I want to be able to say,
“Lord, I gave You my best.”

 Quiet Spirit  Writing Ministry


  1. Excellent thoughts for today...I was just thinking about this...whatever we all for the glory of God...and we can't fail that way. He takes our successes and our failures and works them together for His divine purposes. What more can we ask? Thank you for these thoughts today.

    1. Pamela:
      Thank you for your kind thoughts. I need to remind myself of this every day. God wants us to live for Him, especially in this fallen world.

  2. What a lovely poem. I think you might consider also linking it up for Faith poetry at Shanyn's Starwberry Roan Link up:

    She did a prompt but usually just does a Faith Poetry link! ;)

    1. Dawn: Thank you for your kind thoughts. Also thank you for the information about the poetry link.

  3. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    Thank you for a heartfelt post. Isn't it nice when we get a little help from our friends?

    Susan :)

    1. Susan:
      Thank you for your kind thought. Yes, it is nice. It is a plus for networking with others.

  4. Hi Cecelia: I have given you an award - check it out in this post:

    1. Thank you, Dawn. I'm in the middle of a pickle here with my word processor and I have a couple of other things to tend to today. I'll get back to doing my part with this award. later.

  5. Thanks for sharing this on Strawberry Roan! Bless you.

    1. M.M.:Thank you for coming over and leaving the nice message.

  6. Hi Quiet Spirit -

    Haven't seen you around. Are you okay?


    1. Thank you Susan:
      Last Friday, my computer crashed. Yesterday I wound up digging into my savings and bought a laptop. I've been tryingto make friends with it.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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