Thursday, July 5, 2012

Consider: Mercy, Grace, and Justice (RJD# 14)

I have been absent from the blogosphere because my computer crashed. I am now the owner of a laptop.This has put me on a learning curve. I am still learning the intricacies of  Word 2010. Please bear with me while I learn.

Several years ago, I embarked on a study of the New Testament; actually I completed a study of the Gospels. The title of each entry began with the word, “consider.” This is a raw effort to share my thoughts with you.


March 3, 2004

Passage: Luke 1:57-80

God has several attributes; among them are justice, mercy, and grace. Justice happens when one gets what he or she deserves. Grace is getting what that person does NOT deserve. Mercy is when one does NOT get what he or she deserves.

            When we are involved in disputes, we, in our humanity, want justice-what the other fellow deserves. At the same time, we want mercy- what we do not deserve –for ourselves.

            God is a just being; He’s also a merciful being. We all deserve death, which would be justice. But God has given us Jesus because of His love for us. We don’t deserve to be with God in heaven; we deserve to be separated fro Him in Hades Jesus’ dying for our sins was ultimately an act of mercy.


The above is the entry as I wrote it in 2004, if I may add the following, here is the rest of the story.

All the many things God gives us and does for us fall under His grace. I’m not sure who said it but I am reminded of the phrase, “It’s all grace.”   

Linkingup with:beneaththesurface-dawn-


  1. Good to see you back. You were missed.

    This is an interesting post, regarding mercy and grace. Something my family and I were discussing recently. The more we delved and debated the more I honestly got confused.

    I hope you won't mind if I share your thoughts with my family.


    1. KC,
      Thank you for your kind thoughts. Yes, please feel free to share these thoughts with your family. We are in the throws of an extended heat wave. The end of last week, we had 105* Fahrenheit temps. It's been almost as hot each day since.

  2. Hope you enjoy your laptop! I love mine. It does take a bit to adjust, but they are great. :)

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. What would we do without His wonderful and endless grace and mercy?

    1. Karen;
      Without God's mercy,I shudder to think about what my life would be like.
      I am still on a learning curve with this new machine. I have a few more hurdles to cross.
      Thank you for stopping by.


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