Monday, June 18, 2012

Prayers of Confession

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and
will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
 1 John 1:9 (NIV)

            God, in His wisdom, takes away all our sin and purifies our hearts when we confess our wrongdoing.
            He, who knows when we have transgressed and gone against His design for our lives, wants to hear from us because when we tell Him what we did and that we know it was wrong, He knows we are truly sorry for our sins.
            I remember an ad for a silver polish on television as I grew up. A person dipped a rust encrusted spoon into a container of the polish, let it set a few seconds—I’m sure it was time lapse photography--, and pulled it out. The utensil looked like brand new, all sparkly and clean.
            Our heavenly Father listens to our confession and speaks words of forgiveness, comfort, and healing into our ears. Sometimes, He chooses to put His hand on our shoulder; other times He wraps His arms around us and hugs us. In whatever way He chooses, God restores us to Himself.

            Thank You, Father, for hearing our confessions. Thank You, for Your forgiveness and Your cleansing us from our sins. We love You, Lord. We give You the praise. In the name of Jesus, we pray. AMEN  


  1. God's restoration is amazing, isn't it? I'm very thankful for it.


    1. God's acceptance of our confessions makes us humble and rich. We are humbled when we realize He forgives us because He wants to because of His love for us. We learn of His immeasurable love and we incorporate that into our hearts.

  2. That's a good visual (a shiny, sparkly spoon with the tarnish removed)! We Christians get to have that FEELing when we've experienced Christ's forgiveness. What a great truth!

    1. Rhonda:
      Thank you for your thought. We all experience that cleansed feeling when we openly admit our sins to Jesus.


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