Friday, July 13, 2012

My Faith Needs to Grow RJD # 16

I have times when I discover that my faith is not what it needs to be. I have doubts about certain paths I have taken and consider throwing in the towel, so to speak. I recently went through a time where I had to seek the Lord’s guidance and teaching on what He wants for me and from me.

The following journal entry explores the fact of faith in our lives.


“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we don’t see.”

Hebrews 11:1(NIV)

Faith carries the definition of reliance on something or someone.

 Do we rely on God as we should?

             We have times when events are so big that trusting God is the only thing we can do.

             But faith seems to be a daily exercise. We have certain areas of our lives in which we practice our reliance on our heavenly Father.

            In practicing our faith, we have to let God work in the need. In essence, each believer has to step aside, turn the problem over to Jesus and let Him deal with it.

            As Americans, we sometime find ourselves misunderstanding the basic working of faith. Trust is one main factor. We have to give our fears to Him and allow God to walk us through the situation.


A defining Acrostic- I love acrostic words. The following one is something I heard in a worship service several years ago.

Forsaking All In Trusting Him

Linking to beneaththesurface-dawn.


  1. I love acrostic words too. I hadn't heard of the one you've shared, but I love it. I'll be sure to jot this one down.

    1. KC;
      Thank you for stopping in.
      I heard that acrostic in the church we used to belong to.

  2. Forsaking all in trusting Him! I love that!

    1. Susie: Thank you for your comment. I sometimes have to remember that acrostic, especially when I havea 'down' period.

  3. Cecelia, I totally love the acrostic and am a big fan of them! THanks for sharing your heart and journal at RJD! Hugs!

    1. Dawn:
      Thank you for your thought and for stopping in. I always find a message in acrostics.


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