Friday, October 5, 2012

A Grand Highway RJD October, 2012



“Every valley shall be filled. . .” Luke 3:5 (NIV)


January 3, 1998

{Devotional Book: Morning and Evening, by Charles Spurgeon}

A valley, we know, is a low place between two or more higher places. As Christians we experience spiritual valleys. Some of us go through emotional valleys. Pastor Mike, a pastor we had for seven years, sang “God of the mountain is still God in the valley,” a comforting statement for me during this time.

Luke tells me every valley shall be filled. All, each one of them will be leveled out and we will go forth with our lives, with our families, and especially with Jesus.


I had some very trying times during my life. But the comfort I received from the Lord brought me through each of them. I learned from a dear saint of God that when I was “in a valley” I was the most teachable because being brought down made me look up to God. Sometimes I could find comfort only through prayer, Bible study, devotional reading, and journaling.

Back in 2000, when a relative emailed me that her son-in-law was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer, I suggested she purchase a spiral-bound notebook and just write about her feelings. I also mentioned she could write a letter to Cancer. Telling it what she thought of it. (She wasn’t a Christian at the time; I told her she could use explicit words, if she felt she had to.) I don’t know if she did but I tried to give her an outlet for her emotions.
As I sit here trying to sort through some essays, I find myself in frequent fervent prayer for a family who has been faced with the serious illness of a loved one. All I can do is pray and write about God’s presence when we face trials and tribulation.


  1. I think that was great advice you gave your friend. Writing our deepest thoughts is so comforting and revealing.

    1. Thank you, Susie. I found journaling can give me perspective during a rough time.

  2. Cecelia, thanks so much for joining in with your heartfelt thoughts. Writing and praying about His presence when we face trials and tribulations is a very good thing to do in my opinion. Affirming. I also agree with Susie!

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Dawn. We have to seek the LORD when we have problems because He has the answers to guide us through.

  3. Prayer is the answer. Hope you are enjoying a nice weekend. Happy Sunday and blessings for a great week ahead.

    1. Thank you, Kerrie. It has been a wonderful weekend.God has blessed.

  4. Writing our feelings down in a journal is such a good way of releasing our feelings/emotions especially when we are struggling with something and cannot speak those feelings. A good friend suggested to me to do so many years ago and I still journal today. Thank you for sharing. (I was in the middle of commenting and my computer went funny and the comment disappeared, sorry if it seems I have commented twice). God Bless.

    1. Each of us who journal have experience with putting the thoughts that plaque us on paper to gain insight into the issues at hand. I have come to realize journaling could be a postive thing for anyone going through a trial.


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