Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Help and Hope


“Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,

whose hope is in the Lord his God.”

 Psalm 146: 5 NIV)


From time to time in our lives, we find ourselves in circumstances that we can’t do anything about. All we can do is lean on the Lord to bring us through the trial. We come through the time of hardship, no matter how long, with a new outlook about the foibles of life.

Around the middle of last month, I tried to call a friend of mine twice one day. The first time I reached her answering machine. I left a short message. The second time, I reached the answering machine again and decided not to leave a message. The next morning, her husband called me to let me know that she was in the hospital. It sounded serious and the complications started again. This was her third time in the hospital in recent memory. One of her doctors chose to transfer her to ICU; three days later they had to put her on a ventilator. Her daughters and anyone who knew the situation were scared. I found myself mentally down because of what I knew and what we all feared.

I finally went to my journal and wrote. I asked God a series of questions, then tried to answer them as best I could.  What I went through caused me to change my blog topic for this month to “trust”. I needed to explore this term in depth.

At the end of last month, my friend had to go to a nursing home to receive therapy to help her regain her mobility.


  1. I am so sorry about your friend. I "trust" that she is starting to recuperate while in therapy and that God is meeting her every need. She is fortunate to have such a dear friend as you praying for her and "trusting" God for her strength and healing to return. I will pray for her also. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your concern. I received a phone call from a mutual friend yesterday. My friend in the nursing home needs all the prayers she can get.

  2. Boy, it always comes down to that, doesn't it? Trust.

    I can see plenty of places where I need it, for sure.

    1. Rhonda: Yes it seems to. I believe we all could learn to trust God a little more.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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