Friday, October 19, 2012

The Lord’s Love Surrounds


Many are the woes of the wicked,

but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds

the man who trusts him. Ps 32:10 (NIV)


Some people seem to have trouble follow them everywhere they go. Sometimes, these woes appear because of their behavior. Other times, the individual is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When we see a person who has few problems in life, we wonder, “What does he or she have that I don’t?”  Quite possibly, that individual has a better outlook, a godlier outlook on things.

One who trusts in God believes:

* that God is present with him or her in every situation-good or bad.

* God will bring him or her through the circumstance-whatever it may be.

* God uses the times of hardship to teach him or her something to make them more like Him.


  1. Great post...very wise words! Love that verse. It doesn't promise that things will be perfect when we trust, but that we'll be surrounded by His unfailing love. And that's always enough.

    1. Thank you Lynda for stopping by. As humans, we want to have things perfect in our lives. But, God works with what we see as imperfect and makes us into what He wants us to be, for the sake of His Kingdom.


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