Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Quote on Faith

“So I live, knowing that I am in God’s hands, to be used to bring others to Him, if He wills by a long life full of work, or to die tomorrow if He so wills, having nothing worth mentioning. . . . We must do what we can and leave the rest to Him. . . . My trust is in God, so that it matters not what I do or where I go.” Edward Wilson*

What faith this man had. This was written just before he died.

*From The Faith of Edward Wilson by George Seaver (John Murray, 1948); page 44. Cited in Adult Bible Studies-fall 2012 (Cokesbury) page 76.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jeanette for stopping in. I love your response.

  2. I Like that phrase in particular, "leave the rest to Him". I need to daily rest more in that. Thanks so much for sharing this. :)

    1. Thank you, Karen, for you warm comment. I found this quote in my Sunday school quarterly. I meant to use it this month, made a notation and then forgot where I put the book.

  3. So, whether I live or die, may God have the glory. Whatever works we leave behind, may they reflect God's grace and mercy and love. Those are the lasting treasures.
    Thank you for these thoughts today. Something to ponder.

    1. Pamela: Thank you for your very warm thoughts. You have given me something to think upon.

  4. what a wonderful life perspective!! thank you for sharing this.

    1. Thank you Annmarie: It has given me a new slant on things. I really like the thought in the graphic,as well.

  5. Thank you for this faith quote Cecelia! have a blessed weekend.

    1. You're welcome, Marja. I started collecting quotes a few years ago. I need to update my notebook and my page here. Blessings on your weekend.


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