Friday, March 1, 2013


Some of my journals 

Random Journal Day March 2013

3/26/1997, (I had been ill for four days.)
 “Therefore, He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.” Hebrews 7:25 (NIV)
I ran across this today in the Bible reading I am trying to get caught up on. I have studied Hebrews several times. But today, this verse speaks to my heart.
“Jesus is able to save COMPLETELY those who come to GOD through Him.”
Completely is an awesome word; it means in every way. It means that a person is saved from all sin, the sins of omission as well as the sins of commission, those things God calls sin that we aren’t aware of as sin.
“. . . because He always lives to intercede for them”. God always hears from Jesus what we are going through. Jesus is sitting there at God’s right hand saying, “Father, there is this daughter/son of yours who needs your guidance through this day.” Or “Father, your children down there in central Indiana need your protection during the tornado.” Or “Father, that daughter of yours has asked you to come into his or her heart.” Or “Father, that daughter or son of yours has expressed a ‘thank you’ for guiding them through this day.”

Any one of these times of interceding is glorious.

As I enter this Random Journal Day entry into my computer (2/23/2013) I am interceding for the leadership of our church.

Linking up to:


  1. Thanks for a powerful word. Completely. Yes, I needed this today. Needed to be reminded that He ALWAYS lives to intercede for us. Even though I know it, I forget. You know?

  2. Jeskmom; You're welcome. We all have times where we have to be reminded of certain words. We forget because we are human. Praise the Lord that He doesn't forget us.He saves and forgives us for everything.

  3. I am so grateful in my moments of strength and especially , especially weakness knowing that He lives to intercede for me. Learning to live like Him...learning to live like my Jesus.
    Lifting up your church leadership that they follow Him with their whole hearts, that they be holy, pleasing sacrificial in their service and humble like our Lord in all. Hugs, Cecelia!

    1. Dawn;
      Thank you for your prayers. It seems we all are learning to be more like Him. Praise the Lord.

  4. That is a wonderful word, "completely." I love that. We're also told that we are "complete in Him." Yes! And yea!

    1. Rhonda:
      I am finding several words that have become special to me. And at the same time Jesus is becoming more and more special to me.Enjoy your weekend and your family.

  5. Hi, Cecelia:

    I'm keeping your church in my prayers.

    Thank you for this inspiring post. Indeed, we *are* saved completely through our faith in Jesus and His Word. When we live by His Word, we can't help but show kindness to others through our time and talents. That way, we serve as channels for others to turn toward Jesus and further spread His message. It's a beautiful thing, this complete salvation offered to us. ;-) Thanks for the reminder.

    Be well, my friend.

    1. Janette:
      Thank you.And thank you for your insightful thought.

  6. I'm interceding for a friend going through chemo.

    Great verse!

    1. Susan: God will bless you for your efforts. I find I can easily intercede for someone who is going through a trial that I have also been through. May God honor your prayers for your friend.

  7. sometimes when i look back at all the times Jesus got me through trials I am ashamed at my lack of faith...."I believe. Help my unbelief!"

    1. Annmarie:
      Whenever I reflect on a time that God helped me through,I realize I learned more about Him through the experience.I pray you have a good week.


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