Monday, March 4, 2013

Next Door Savior by Max Lucado


What should we do with Jesus? Should we worship Him from afar? Max Lucado has given us a new way to look at Christ. In his book, Next Door Savior, he shows us how we can relate to Jesus as someone close to us. The book, 21 chapters long, is divided into two parts-No Person He Won’t Touch and No Place He Won’t Go. At the back, he includes a study guide.

This book challenged me. It made me think about Jesus being close to me as opposed to Him being ‘out there’. By his style as well as his subject matter, Mr. Lucado held my attention. At the beginning of each chapter, a scripture reference appeared. The narrative that follows deals with the scripture passage. Mr. Lucado interpreted the message of each Biblical passage in a very appealing way, presenting these examples in a way that communicated Biblical truth in a way that 21st Century believers can relate to. I would recommend Next Door Savior to anyone wishing to grow spiritually. It would make an outstanding study book for a small group study.

I received this book free from the publisher Thomas Nelson- through BookSneeze, in exchange for an impartial, unbiased, and fair review.


  1. This makes me think of what we've just been discussing in SS Class, the idea of being "Christian atheists." I think the New Testament called it something like believing in the gospel, but denying the power thereof (not exact quote). That's what this reminds me of.

    1. Rhonda: Max is one of my favorite authors. His style is conversational. I really like the way he states his points in ways that tie his subject matter to our daily lives. Thank you for stopping in. I always love your thoughts.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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