Monday, March 18, 2013

Bearing Fruit

free fresh
“This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit  
showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
John 15:8 (NIV)
Jesus speaks here of our bearing fruit. He tells us that it is for God’s glory. Let’s think about those two statements.

We tell others more than we realize when they meet us. They notice our behavior and our attitude as we interact with them. They watch as we go through trials, noting how we respond.

I once heard of some sisters acting out at their father’s calling hours. Their aunt, who told me the story, was embarrassed by the display. Looking back, I can not put into words what was described to me.

I have a friend who took a spinster lady from our then church into our home when she needed a place to stay due to her health. The older woman went to the hospital, had surgery and did not do well after that. My friend maintained contact with the lady’s out of town family, as well as the woman’s lawyer. Not one time did I hear any complaining word from my friend.

My friend displayed Jesus to the house guest, to her out of town family, to the lady's attorney, and to the people of the church.  I learned a lot from my friend about showing God’s love to others.

Back in the early 1970’s, I read something by E. Stanley Jones that has stayed with me ever since. He told of a Christian’s witness being apparent to others. He said that doctors and morticians can tell if those they work with are Christians. He further said that they base their decision on how accepting the people receive harsh news-the knowledge of a terminal illness, theirs or a loved one’s,-or the loss of a loved one.


  1. and the saints bodies do not corrupt after they die.

  2. Annmarie: Thanks for stopping by. Have you read the books by Todd Burpo? In one, he tells of showing his son a picture of the boy's great-grandfather shortly before the gentleman passed. The boy didn't recognize him. Todd wrote to his mother and asked for some pictures of his family. When the little boy saw one of the great-grandfather as a young man, he recognized the gentleman as being one He met in heaven.

  3. How did you know I'd just been in this chapter recently again? And loved it? :D A favorite, for sure!

    Much fruit...

  4. Rhonda: I didn't know you were reading that chapter. But its a great chapter to read. Have a great day. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. Hi, Cecelia:

    I needed to read this today. I have a close family member who mocks me more and more because of my faith. I respond first with kindness and instruction. However, if the mocking persists, I respond with some boundary-asserting statements because I know you cannot have a conversation with someone who has closed his ears to your words. It's challenging because I love this family member, so I try to face the situation with as much patience as possible. I told him yesterday actually that if he was so convinced of his views on faith, he wouldn't be so threatened by the views of others. Maybe that gave him something to chew on?? I don't know for sure, but in the meantime, I am trying to bear fruit! ;-)

    Blessings to you and yours...

    1. Janette:
      Thank you for stopping in.

      I know your situation, I've been there. Sometimes we have to really rely on Jesus to help us through times like what you describe.


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