Wednesday, March 20, 2013



“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory,
 are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory,
 which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

“. . . we, who with unveiled faces. . .” In Old Testament times, the people could not look directly on the face of God because of His being holy. Because Jesus rent the veil between the holy and the holiest of holy places in the Temple, we can look directly into God’s face.

“. . . all reflect the Lord’s glory. . .” Paul reminds the Corinthian believers that he and they reflect Jesus’ glory. This is a strong statement. Can we imagine if someone told us we are a mirror image of the Lord?

“. . . are being transformed into his likeness. . .” He tells the church that they being changed to resemble Jesus. Are we 21st Century Christians being changes into His likeness or that of the world’s?

“. . . with ever-increasing glory. . .” This altering of the people is dynamic. Paul had experienced this changing in himself- first in his heart, then in how he lived. Here he describes this phenomenon as a progression.

“. . . which comes from the Lord. . .” He identifies the source of this process. It originates with the Lord. If we communicate with God on a daily basis, we have the privilege of hearing from Him when we need to.

“. . . who is the Spirit.” Paul explains that God works through the Holy Spirit in order for this transformation to be evident.

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