Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Growth Yields Peace

“The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; your love,
O Lord, endures forever- do not abandon the work of your hands.”  
 Psalm 138:8 (KJV)

As we grow closer to the Lord, we find ourselves more at peace with Him. He takes what worries us into his hands, reshapes the particulars, and returns it to us in a way that honors Him and we can handle. Sometimes, the outcome is not quite what we desired. Other times the outcome is what God deems best for us.
When we give situations over to the Lord, we have a tendency to take them back. We don’t get resolution of the problem, and we can make ourselves sick over that issue that we took back.
When we lay our hurts and our problems into Jesus’ hands, we communicate our trust in Him.  In return, we receive calmness about the issue. Our spirits are refreshed. We feel strengthened. We can watch God work out the problem.   
God may guide us through the issues—showing us what we need to do to alleviate the problem.
He may change the mindset of the people involved and cause the problem to go away. The decision belongs to Him. It is our job to trust in Him.


  1. That verse beneath your picture is one I've turned to a lot. And will often again, I'm sure. What a promise it is!

    In Him,


    1. Rhonda: I rely on that verse when I am facing extremely tough times. I write it down when I send an encouragement card to someone who is going through trials.Thank you for stopping by.


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