Monday, March 25, 2013

Hold Onto What We Know
"Nevertheless, the righteous will hold to their ways,
and those with clean hands will grow stronger.” Job 17:9 (NIV)

When we find ourselves uncomfortable with where we are in our spiritual life, we have to remember to keep doing what we have been doing and keeping in mind that we need to search the scriptures for new signs of Christ’s presence in our lives.

From time to time in our Christian walk we need to get back to the basics of our Christian beliefs. We do this by studying God’s Word and spending quantity and quality in prayer. Certain denominations observe the Lenten and Advent seasons to delve into His Word and seek to grow closer to Him. Sometimes people feel the need to study deeper because they go through a time of testing and trial. A dear friend has done this practice whenever she faces a condition in life that affects her. 

In a prayer group  I participated in, one of the men made a very good point. When we pray for someone going through a hardship, we automatically ask God to remove that circumstance. When we pray that way, we might be impeding God,as He allows the issue to foster growth in that person.


  1. I agree, we do need to get back to the basics sometimes. It's easy to lose sight of our foundation if we aren't careful.

    1. Karen: We all have times when we need to re-learn about
      our God and our beliefs. Thank you for stopping in and I pray you and your family will have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday.

  2. I asked my priest if I should pray for healing or for Gods will to be done...he told me to pray for both.

  3. AnnMarie: I have had times when I have been asked to pray for someone who was very ill.I have asked the person who requests me to pray, "How should I pray for that person?" Usually, the answer is "Pray for God's will."


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