Friday, June 21, 2013

Free from Worry


“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear.
 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”
Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV)

Recently, my devotional reading was about worry. The author, Sarah Young, (Jesus Calling), used the phrases “form of unbelief” and “anathema to me.” (Each devotion is written from the point of view of Jesus.)
In my Christian walk, I learned that worry was the opposite of or shortage of faith. As I read the words “form of unbelief,” I felt my heart quicken; had I been worrying about something that needed to be given to the Lord?
Quite possibly, I had been worried about some health issues my husband has been dealing with.
Whenever the weather forecast for our son’s area, Hubby tells me I should be in prayer about him. Sometimes this causes me mild anxiety. A week before his trip home the region south of him had tornadoes. Three of our friends called to inquire how he was. All three of us felt touched by the kindness shown by these close friends.
On a recent Sunday, our pastoral assistant spoke during our church’s two worship services.
My “Saturday Night Insomnia” struck me hard. I had set my alarm to give me enough time to try to attend the early service. I believe I was worried about getting up in time because an hour before my alarm was to go off; I turned on the television and watched a program. Resetting the alarm, I dozed but when it did ring, I woke in a stupor. Again, I changed the time for the alarm to ring. I still felt almost drugged when I awoke.
The next afternoon, a friend and I stopped in at the church office. I had earlier emailed our pastoral assistant and explained my absence. While we were there, I told the pastor I needed to apologize for not being in worship. I told him what had happened. He told me he understood and that I didn’t have anything to apologize for.
I believe my worry was over the fact that our pastoral assistant is a friend and, on the Sunday before, she had asked me to pray for her. When I saw her on that Monday, I asked for a copy of her message which she gave me. It was an excellent message; God was in it.

I have been a believer in Jesus for several years and He still teaches me, every day.

 graphic from


  1. Thanks, I so needed this today. Tempted to worry about my mom so far away, and what appears to be the start of some financial abuse on the part of a "friend" of hers.

    1. Jeanette;
      I will be praying about this need for you. I will have my friends, Martha and Terri join in prayer,also.

  2. Thanks for posting this worry chart. The first two worries definitely occupy most of my worrying-time. We need to remind ourselves that we can't add a single moment to our lives by worry, but we can actually detract with the resulting decreased health and social activity.

    This is a chart to ponder. Enjoy your Sunday! :-)

    1. Janette:
      Thank you for your kind words. I was acquainted with a lady who was a worrier. Her husband developed an aneurysm on the outside of his heart. A cousin had a son die from one. The family chose not to tell this lady of the cause of the cousin's passing. It was a few months later that she passed away, her husband outlived her. One of her close friends voiced what we all thought; she died from worry.

  3. I did a blogpost on worry too. You are not alone! I think it is the human condition to worry...but you showed how you could overcome it.

    That worry chart is really sobering too!

    Peace in Christ,

    1. Ceil;
      Thank you for your kind words. When I saw the worry chart, I realized those numbers were something I HAD to use.


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