Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Free to Live Holy Lives

“Live as free men, but do not use our freedom as a cover-up for evil.”1 Peter 2:16 (NIV)

I watch a lot of detective/police shows on television. The basic outline for these dramas is a crime has been committed and the police have to find out who broke the law. My husband doesn’t understand that my attraction to these shows is that in these dramas there is a group of people attempting to do something about the harsh circumstances of life.
Most of the time, the perpetrator is someone who they have already questioned and basically cleared. That person of interest got by the police because he or she has misrepresented the facts.
Our scripture tells us we should not use our freedom to cover up evil. This tells me we need to not allow ourselves to put our goodness on display to lead others to think we are something we aren’t. It also speaks of the need to have pure hearts. This means we shouldn’t allow evil to be present in our hearts. Simply stated; it tells me we should strive to live as holy people, set apart from the evil of the world and carry ourselves as truly free individuals.
We can only achieve a cleanness of heart by having a vital, strong, living relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord Jesus:

               We thank You for our salvation and grace You have shown to us. We ask You to help us keep our hearts cleansed and pure in order that we can live for You and serve You. We will give You the praise. In Your name we pray. AMEN

Graphic from


  1. Hi Cecelia!

    First of all, I loved your prayer. Certainly a needed one.

    Interesting about the police shows. My husband really likes them too, and I usually take a pass. Maybe I should rethink it. You really are applying your life experiences to God...even a TV show. You are such a good example for me. Thank you!

    Peace in Christ,

  2. Thank you,Ceil. Our pastor has been preaching about evangelizing our families and bringing them to Jesus. We don't have a lot of family any more. We live in a neighborhood that has changed over the years. I want to be able to have the opportunity to live our my faith in front of those who live around me.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

Thou Shalt Not Murder

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