Monday, June 17, 2013

Sensing God

In your daily walk have you seen His handiwork, the clouds, and the colors in nature, the trees and all their foliage?

Have you sensed His presence?
During times of prayer, Bible study and devotions, God hears us when we pray, guides our Bible studies, and speaks to us through a simple devotional reading.

Have you heard Him?
               Do you hear Him in the laughter of a child? Do you listen to Him in the birdsong of early morning?
When you were confused or searching for an answer to something, have you heard His voice? He speaks to us through a whisper. He wraps his arms of love around you and pulls you close to Him and speaks words into our ear.

Have you felt his touch?
When you have a ‘circumstance’ in your life, did you feel his hand upon your shoulder as you stood at the brink of something big in your life? Did you feel that hand on your elbow as he guided you through a difficult time? His healing presence makes itself known as we seek His guidance for a problem.

Have you inhaled His fragrance?
               In the smell of mock orange in bloom, the fragrance of roses, the dainty scent of fresh carnations, or in the inviting aroma of brownies baking in the oven. 

Or have you seen His face?
When you close your eyes to sleep, can you make out His calming eyes? Have you seen His face as you pass someone on your way to transact business?

     At different times in our lives we experience God as he makes His presence known to us. One thing we must remember is He chooses when and how He reveals Himself to us. It’s our job to watch and wait for Him.


  1. I've also sensed Him in the gentle counsel of a friend, the words of a sermon, and through many answered prayers.

    1. Susan, I have also sensed Him in the same ways.

  2. This is wonderful food for thought! Our world is sensory, and why wouldn't we experience God's presence in that way too sometimes? Certainly there are times when we must put feelings aside and simply trust no matter what. But I believe there is a reason for the sensory side of things too. Thank you for making me think! :)

    1. Karen: Thank you for your warm thoughts. I believe we all have times when we sense God's presence. Sometimes we don't realize it until later.


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