Friday, July 26, 2013

A Plea for Revival


“Let your hand rest on the man at your right hand,
 the son of man you have raised up for yourself
 Then we will not turn away from you; revive us,
and we will call on your name.”
Psalm 80:17-18 (NIV)

This is a passage of a song (Psalm) of Asaph.

“Let your hand rest. . . “When we give a person approval or comfort, we literally or figuratively pat them on the back. When we receive guidance or comfort from another person, they figuratively, sometimes literally, take us by the hand or place theirs around ours. I remember a time when our son came home unexpectedly, put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Mom, I had a wreck.” This was his first, and only, car wreck. His physical act was one of calming me.When people feel led to enter into full-time Christian work, they have a commissioning service where pastors and other dignitaries lay hands on the called person.

”. . .on the man at your right hand. . “  Our Bibles state the fact that Jesus sits at God’s right hand. Might Asaph be asking God to give approval of Jesus? Why would He suggest this?

” . . . the son of man you have raised up for yourself.”  This passage points to the Son of Man, Jesus the Christ.

”Then we will not turn away from you. . .” Although Asaph commits Israel to something lofty that the nation cannot stay with, He speaks what he sees as necessary for the people’s strengthening as a nation and as a people of God.

” . . . revive us. . .” Asaph asks God to renew Israel’s zeal for Himself—to breathe life back into the people. When we look at our world, what do we see? People around us are going out into eternity without a relationship with the Lord Jesus. We, as Christians, need to get down on our knees and pray for God to pour out His Spirit on each of us and on our world in order to bring all His children to Him.

”. . . and we will call on your name.” Asaph commits his fellow countrymen to pray for guidance, with thanksgiving. As I reflect on this, we are to follow this promise made to God. He gives us opportunity to come to him at least daily.

Do you remember your parents telling us we could talk to them about anything? God is our heavenly Father; we can talk to him about anything—good or bad. Several years ago, the church I was a part of lost a pastor. The conference superintendent asked us to pray for the former pastor and his family as much as we talked about them to one another. Those words have stayed with me ever since.

Our church is holding  old fashioned tent revival services this weekend. There will be a series of messages from "John Wesley" and we will have those old fashioned hand fans. Tonight,after the service, there will be an ice cream social. Tomorrow afternoon will be a children's day (VBS). After the second service on Sunday, there will be an all-church picnic.



  1. Hi Cecelia! Sounds like you are going to have a fun weekend!

    I love that Asaph asks to be 'revived'. I also needed that, but really, who doesn't? And God can give us peace and refreshment in abundance! Remembering the power of beautifully illustrated in your story about your son.

    Great words today!

    Happy Friday :)

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your warm response. Yes, we all need revived. The issues of this world seem to get us down and that affects our lives. The service last evening was very special.


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