Wednesday, July 24, 2013

God Restores Our Lives

“Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, 
 you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth.”
 Psalm 71:20 (NIV)

The psalmist realizes great messages in this verse. First, God allows us to see troubles in our surroundings and even in our lives. Most of the issues the psalmist faced were bitter. In spite of the the ills encountered by the psalmist, he knows God will revive his life.

In 21st Century life, we also have issues that can tend to overwhelm us: loss of loved ones, unemployment, homelessness, catastrophic illness, and whatever defeats us. But, God is still on His Throne; He does what it takes to get our attention.

 Then God shows us the way through the issue or resolves it right before our eyes. Sometimes, we feel defeated by circumstances that come into our lives. We wonder what the outcome will be. When we have Jesus watching over us, we should turn to Him and give the particulars over to His care and be confident that He is able to take care of every part of the issue.




  1. You will restore my life again... the psalmist was declaring God's goodness before he experienced it. A great lesson!
    Thank you Cecelia, your posts are always refreshing.

    1. Marja: It's so nice to hear from you. Thank you for your warm thoughts. i'm thankful that God has restored my life.

  2. Replies
    1. David: Thank you for stopping by my blog. Yes, He is a great God. As I type this I hear the words to,"What A Mighty God We Serve." Please feel free to stop in when you can. I usually post here on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


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