Saturday, August 3, 2013

Be Strong in the Lord RJD August 2013

“Finally, be strong in the Lord
And in His mighty power.”
Ephesians 6:10
(from journal entry July 6, 2010)

I have known people who are strong in the Lord. Also, I have dealt with people who are strong in themselves. As I see it, there is a world of difference between these two attitudes.
Those who rely upon God to guide them through their lives are the strongest people I know. They relax and are comfortable with themselves and those around them. They are a joy to be around.
Those who live for themselves seem to enjoy getting the last word in an argument or even a mild misunderstanding. They cannot face hardships without griping or grumbling. These people are those we have to be around.
Some of them live with a foot planted in both spheres—God’s world and the enemy’s.
When uncertainties come into the life of one strong in the Lord, he or she knows God is in control. I am reminded of the wise man who built his house on the rock. A person who’s weak in the Lord gets angry very easily. When I see this type of behavior, I am reminded of the man who built his house on the sand.
Update: As I looked through this particular journal, I realized that the summer of 2010 was eventful for us. In June, Hubby’s sister went to live in heaven. The entry after this one told of our trip to the ER for Hubby and his referral to an orthopedic facility. He had surgery a month later. The enemy threw quite a bit at me as I tried to help settle my sister-in-laws accounts and see to Hubby’s medical needs. And then Hubby had a scary complication that caused him to have that procedure done a second time.

               But God’s presence guided us through these events.   

Linking to:beneaththesurface-dawn   


  1. I think one of the things I like most about doing this "Random Journal Day" is how we can look back and know what we were going through when we wrote something...and then we can look ahead and see how God provided and cared for us in the midst of those struggles. I love that! It always brings me such comfort. I am glad that you shared these thoughts with us today. Yes, God's presence is with us wherever we go...Praise God!

  2. Pam; Thank you for your kind thoughts. I once read when God acts on something important in our lives that action serves as a benchmark when we have occasion to recall what He has done for us. Let's praise the Lord for those benchmarks in our lives.

  3. Hi Cecelia! Aren't journals so wonderful? They have a way of flinging us back to a time we might not have remembered too well. What trials you have been through! And here you are, the kind of person who relies on God. How grateful I am that you do!

    Or else I never would have met you!

    Blessings to you this weekend. Still praying for you :)

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your warm observations. When we walk with the Lord, we have times when we face trials. I have found that God can make good happen in spite of what things look like. I have some friends who have been through greater trials than I can imagine. Yet, God has brought them through them.

  4. Jeanette Levillie posted a comment here but I hit a wrong button and wiped it out. Please forgive me, dear friend. The response I wrote to you spoke of the words of a praise song going through my mind. "When we get to the end of our horded resources, He giveth and giveth and giveth again.

  5. Hi Cecelia,

    Much convicting truth here. I confess, I am guilty of having needed to get the last word...still. Griping and grumbling ...still and feeling that I hate theses sins in me. BUT they occur less and less as the years go on. They cause me to beg forgiveness and help to change from Him who is able to make sinners into saints by His grace and truth. These shortcomings lead me to Him, keep me dependent on Him, yet I am sure I am not always so wonderful to be around. But I hope to be more and more like Him as the days go on. You say so much with few words, my friend. That is a gift.Thank you for taking part and sharing with us for Random Journal Day. I appreciate your portion!

    1. Dawn: Thank you for your thoughts. I have found that, as we grow in the Lord, we become less prone to want to have that last word. Yes, sometimes we slip and have to ask forgiveness from God and from the one we have dealt with.

  6. I love how you used your journal to process your thoughts about people and where our strength comes from...your comparisons are revealing and help me to think about which camp I have been staying in lately...thankfully the Lord always calls me back to His strength!

    1. Kel: Thank you for visiting my blog. Thank you for your lovely comments. Please feel free to visit when you can. I usually post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.


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