Friday, August 16, 2013

My Strength and My Song

The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my fathers God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2

“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.
 The LORD is my strength and my song; he will become my salvation.”
Is. 12:2 (NIV)

”Surely God is my salvation. . .” The Old Testament idea of salvation refers to various forms of deliverance, both temporal and spiritual. God delivers His people from their enemies and from the snares of the wicked.1

”. . . I will trust and not be afraid.” We learn to place our full faith in God. The scriptures are full of passages that tell us we can trust Him.
                              Psalm 33:21
                              Psalm 119:42
                              Proverbs 3:5-6
                              Matthew 12:17-21

The LORD is my strength and my song. . .” Isaiah states his source of strength comes from God. When he calls God his song, he has a special meaning. “Songs were indicative of joy and the absence of sorrow.”2 God’s presence made people feel safe from harm.

“ . . he will become my salvation.” “The Old Testament prophecies center upon the one who was to come as the bringer of salvation.”*** Isaiah speaks of a certainty—notice the verb tense—wil. He knows this Savior is coming in the future.

Are we as certain in the 21st Century that we have the Lord as our Savior?  We need to be certain that we are under the arc of the Lord.
1.Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Moody Press ©        1957,1885, 1988 page 1114
2. OPCIT: page 1209

3.  OPCIT: page 1114



  1. Such words of hope and trust and faith in a world full of confusion and strife. Oh! That people would acknowledge this wonderful Savior and Lord and find full salvation before His return. (which I believe is very soon). Thank you!

  2. Pamela: On Fridays when I can, I attend a time of prayer at church. Today we had a lot of health needs of our people. We do live in a world of confusion. Yet,we know that God is not the author of that. Thank you for your warm and caring thoughts.

  3. "God is ..."; "he will become ..." Good to see that he is the Salvation; it's not just a thing or experience, however great.

    1. David: Thank you for your warm thoughts. Yes, God is more than a thing, or an experience.

  4. I have a frame hanging beside the front door of my home that quotes Psalm 27. That psalm also speaks of salvation and strength. It's comforting to know that we are saved and strengthened by the Lord.

    Always something good here, Cecelia. Thanks for this quote! Be well.

    1. Janette: Thank you for your kind words. I took the time to read Psalm 27 just now;it has very comforting thoughts.

  5. Hi Cecelia! I love this because it means that God is ours even in our mistakes and lack of faith. He just is...and I have to love him for that alone. He loved me first.
    Isaiah knew he was coming, I need to remember that too.

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Ceil: Thank you for stopping by. Yes, God loves us when we mess up. He wraps His arms of love around us and gently directs us back to the right path.

  6. How comforting; thank you for posting this!


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