Monday, August 19, 2013

Our Refuge, Our Strength

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though
the  earth give way and the mountains fall
into the sea.

Psalm. 46:1-2 (NIV)

”God is our refuge and strength . . .” Our heavenly Father protects us as we travel through each day. I find this concept very comforting as time goes by and circumstances become tougher. He is there for us as we go to the store, the cleaners, our jobs, and our medical appointments. God goes with us as we travel to another part of our home states or if we travel great distances.

“ . . . an ever-present help in trouble.” God always stands by our side when we have crises—of faith, of health, of employment, of family circumstances—when we make a mess out of a relationship. When we have times of doubt, God is there to remind us of what He has done for us in the past. Some theologians call the special memories, bench marks. He reminds us of the event and of the special way He took care of the issue as a form of his love for us.

“Therefore we will not fear. . . “ Because we know God is with us, we have no reason for anxiety to set into our set into our lives for very long. We are taught that fear is the opposite of faith. Sometimes, we have events that jolt us and we display fearfulness for a little while. All we have to do is seek God and ask His forgiveness.

“. . .though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the sea.” Even though what seems like the worst of disasters happen in our lives, we have God to guide us. Friends of mine had a son and a daughter who were in Saudi Arabia during the first Desert Storm. Those months were hard on the parents and the daughter .But God worked through all the fear, anxiety, and depression of the parents to bring that daughter back to Him.

A special hymn for my readers:

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