Wednesday, September 11, 2013



“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.’”
John 14:6

Can you picture this scene? The Master speaks to his disciples. He tells them He will soon be going to prepare places for each of them.  He vows to return and take them with Him, to join Him in the place He will be going.

One of the disciples, Thomas, speaks from his bewilderment. “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so can we know the way?”

Jesus responds with “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He says these words with certainty. He doesn't say, “I might be. . . .” He says, “I am . . . . “
He doesn't say, “There are several paths you can take to get to the Father.” He says that everyone gains access to God through Him.

Jesus enriches our lives with His presence. All He asks us to do is to live for Him and make disciples for Him. When God calls us home, He will ask us one question, “What did you do about Jesus?” How will we answer?



  1. Thanks for this message today, Cecelia. On this anniversary of the terrorist attacks on NY and Washington, you've reminded us that Jesus is the one and only Lord. Let's pray for Muslims today, that they will realize that Jesus and not Mohammed is the way, the truth, and the life.

    1. Emily:
      You're welcome. The Lord has to be the one who gets the credit for this post being on this day. At church last Sunday, our pastor read off some statistics about 9/11. He asked us to research the number rescued from the rubble. I just did this.The answer amazed me. Also there were 23,000 apartments eligible for asbestos clean-up. I thought asbestos was a known carcinogen and banned from construction. Now I want to check the dates about the ban and the World Trade Center construction. Yes, I am a curious type. Thank you for stopping in.

    2. Yes, we need to pray for the Muslim people.

  2. Hi Cecelia! I love this passage, and I think I would have responded like Thomas. I am so concrete, I'd be looking for the physical path!

    What a great insight that Jesus is the Way, and that there are no other paths. You stress the "I am" and that is so true. What wonderful faith you have, my friend! Such an inspiration this morning :)

    1. Ceil:
      Thank you for your warm comment. As His children, we have to believe that He IS the ONLY way to reach heaven.


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