Monday, March 3, 2014

Book Review: When The Glass Ceiling is Stained

When The Glass Ceiling is Stained

                           by Mary Detweiler

When God gives His children Spiritual Gifts, He plans on those gifts to be exercised. Some feel that women have no place in leadership roles of the church.

Mary Detweiler has researched this issue by studying Old Testament women who led people through catastrophic times—Deborah, Huldah, and Rahab and Esther. God equipped these women with the gifts they needed to lead their people though the difficult times those people groups faced.

She has documented her book with writings of John Maxwell, Bill Hybels, Rick Warren and other Christian writers.

This book is not a diatribe against the church but a positive book pointing out how God has used women in the furtherance of His Kingdom. Mary refers to Rahab, Deborah, and Huldah and Esther in the Old Testament and to Mary Magdalene, Mary (the sister of Lazarus), Euodia and Syntche, and Priscilla, in the New Testament.

In today’s world, we see godly women leading or assisting the leaders of their churches by employing their Spiritual gifts. We also hear of some sectarian groups who cling to the belief that women are not equipped to participate in Kingdom work in the role as pastors, even pastoral assistants, or even ministry group leaders. Having worshiped in one denomination and now worship in another that doesn’t exclude women from leadership roles; I believe I have grown in my faith because of the experience of their learning and their instruction.

I received a copy of this book from the author. All she asked in return was my honest and truthful review.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting, Cecelia. I have a friend who's been talking with me somewhat about this. I'm watching her journey, and it's been fascinating.

    Food for thought!


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