Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Book Review: Arms Open Wide

by Sherri Gragg

The subtitle conveys the whole story: A Call To Linger in the Savior’s Presence. Sherri Gragg has taken Biblical accounts from the Old and NewTestaments and set them into scenes through the lens of first Century culture. She provides these stories as devotions, giving the reader at least one scriptural reference to read before each story.

Each devotion has a title page with an Old Testament scripture printed out. At the end of each devotion Ms. Gragg has placed a prayer, each one being the cry of her heart.

Ms. Gragg has spent a vast amount of time in research to bring this collection of stories together. My favorite one is the story of what took place in Gethsemane. It is told in first person, from the point of view of Simon Peter.

A feature I like is the glossary at the back. In the text of the book, she uses terms from the first Century. These words are followed by an asterisk.

I would recommend this book to:
·        Parents who desire their children learn more of God.
·        Children’s workers and children’s pastors,
·        People who give devotions at meetings of their ministry group, be it a laity member or a pastor.
·         And to small group leaders.
The price of this book, a hardback, could hold back those on a fixed income

I was given a copy of this book by Thomas Nelson Publishers through the Book Look Bloggers program. All they ask me to do was give an honest review.


  1. Wow, it sounds like a versatile book! Thanks for the excellent review.

    1. Jeanette: Thank you for stopping in. I really enjoyed this book. I hope to read more of her works.


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