Monday, July 21, 2014

Because He Cares for You

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)

Peter gives good advice here. He tells his 1st Century readers and us, reading in the 21st, to cast all our fears—anything that makes us uneasy—on God.

He tells us to do this because God cares for us. Also, God can handle any hardship, problem, stressor, or issue we have to give Him. It’s when we think we can keep things to ourselves that we begin to have those fears grow into major problems for us or for those around us. 

When our anxieties kick in, we should say a quick prayer as soon as we can, even while the circumstance is before us. When we give those trials over to Jesus:

•We save ourselves from loss of sleep.
                                                                    When we keep things to ourselves, we find it difficult to relax. Our minds don’t want to shut down.
  • We learn that God is with us.
Some of the best conversations we can have with the LORD happen when we tell Him we can’t handle things without His help.
·We keep ourselves healthy.

                                                              Succumbing to stress can lead to ulcers, high blood pressure,         and  various other disorders.

We have a Savior  who shed His blood for us sp that we could find freedom in Him.


  1. Hi Cecelia! Boy, did I need this today. I am upset and worried today, and I was not taking a deep breath and thinking that Jesus will take care of it all. He is with me. He will fight for me.
    Thank you so much!

    1. Ceil: We have to remember God loves us and will protect us, no matter what.

  2. You must have known I needed this today! Thanks very much, dear friend.

    1. Jeanette: I didn't but God did. We serve a God that can see the big picture and always looks out for what is best for us.

  3. In this verse is a great deal of medicine, right? For anxiety, depression, restlessness, and lack of peace.

    Glad you shared it.

    1. Rhonda:
      Just popping in here to forward a link to a friend. Saw your comment in my email. Yes, there is a lot of medicine in that verse. I never thought about it in that light. Thank you for sharing your thought with us. Blessings on you and yours.


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