Friday, July 4, 2014

Trials Will Come/Two Sides RJD July 2014

Journal entries March 8, 1998
(Entries based on Charles H. Spurgeon devotional, Morning and Evening)

Trials (Morning)
“We must go through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” Acts 14:22 (NKJV)
Spurgeon states that “It was never God’s design for His people to be untried.” The book of James tells me “Consider it pure joy when you experience trials of many kinds,” James continues with,” the testing of your faith develops perseverance, perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything.” James 1:2-4 (NIV)

Yes, God does test his children; he tests them for their own good. If we weren’t tested we would not gain any spiritual insights into our world and we would never know God for who He is. We would never know to rely on Him in times of stress, especially from the world. I would have caved in this past Thursday if I had not known that God would listen and take care of a situation and He has. Thank you Lord!

Two Sides (Evening)

“She called his name Ben-Oni [son of sorrow], but his father called him Benjamin [son of my right hand.] Genesis35:18 (NKJV)

We know there are two sides to “all earthly things.” There are two sides to coins, literally and figuratively, there are two sides of fabric. The embroidery work I have done has a ‘nice’ side-the front of the piece—and a ‘not so nice’ side; the back of the piece.

When an event happens, we have the responsibility to decide whether it’s a good or a bad thing. The outcome has the decisive factor. This weekend I made a discovery that has me trying to decide if a decision made late last spring was a good decision or a bad one. All I have seen is not-so-good outcome for my worship family. Lord, are You listening? Are You in this? Are we listening to You? What do you have for us?

UPDATE: I journaled these entries sixteen years ago. From the standpoint of the writing craft, they are raw. I broke a lot of the writing rules back then but I wasn’t aware of them.

I can’t remember the situation or the decision I refer to. All I can say is God had to be in them.    
Looking back tells me a couple of things.

1)      How much I have grown in the craft of writing.
2)      How much I have grown in the Lord.

As of this writing,(6/30) I plan to ride on our church's float in the Indepencence Parade on the evening of July 3, 2014. I didn't get to ride in the parade after all. I had to see my doctor and she thought it would not be a good idea.


  1. Glad to see you as always, Cecelia! I really appreciate that devotional- I have it myself! As far as writing "raw" - I believe that is what our journals are for, exactly. And what a gift that they reveal growth the way they do! Hugs and happy fourth. Sorry you could not ride in the parade. Hope you feel better.

    1. Thank you for stopping in. God gives us many gifts, Right now, we are enjoying a cool respite from the heat. Son called and he is camping and fishing.

    2. Cecelia, got your comment about my post! Just letting yu know. Sending hugs and prayers your way. I love the coolness break myself!

  2. I agree with Dawn, our journals are for that raw writing and I don't think rules apply. Sorry you missed the parade, hope you're feeling better!

    1. Thank you, Dawn M. I saw some pictures on FB and some that a friend took. It looks like they had a great time. They sang patriotic songs and some hymns. Blessings to you.

  3. How cool Cecelia, I just posted an old journal entry and then I decided to visit you... and you're also writing about journals and such.... Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Thank you, Marja. It is a good practice to re-read journals to see how much we have growth in the Lord and in the craft. Blessings.

  4. Cecelia- As always I love your insights and your honesty...asking God the hard questions in our journals and then waiting expectantly for His reassurance...sometimes he gives us direct answers and sometimes we just see progress and it's all good!

    1. Kelrohlf: Thank you for your warm compliment. God is patient with us; we have to be patient with Him. It IS all good.


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