Friday, August 22, 2014

God’s Peacefulness

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
John 14:27 (NIV)

As we advance in age, people seem to want less drama in their lives. We yearn for the serenity of the times we saw before we had the upheaval of the Vietnam Era.

Sometimes we ache to get away from the rut or from the grindstone we have in our lives. People take get-away trips just to relax and unwind.  Sometimes we need a wake-up call from God.

After having a time with my family at the state park recently, I realized how much I miss the serenity of God’s world. A short while later we enjoyed the peace of our backyard. Suddenly, I was stricken with the importance of the work going on across the alley. Our next door neighbor came over and said workers told him the owners were going try to sell that house. That’s a God thing.

I always tell myself I want to spend more time outside enjoying our yard and God’s peacefulness. I want to keep this as a promise to God. Last Friday night, my hubby, our son, and I sat outside by a campfire until almost 11:00 o’clock. It was relaxing for me and I believe it was for them, as well.

God has given us this time together, allowing us to experience His peace and has proved himself to be true to His Word. Of course, he always does.


  1. How good to spend time outdoors in the park or your yard with family. Gardening and walking in our neighborhood get me outside every day.

    1. Terra: Thank you for stopping in. I don't always get to spend time outside, But when I do, I thoroughly enjoy it.

  2. So glad you had that special time together with your son and hubby. Being outside together is very therapeutic and comforting. I am looking forward to cooler weather so we can get out more together. But even if we have to stay indoors just being together, laughing, playing a game, eating...whatever we do, being together is the key to making wonderful memories.

    1. Pam: I enjoyed our time together as a family. It made me feel good, even in spite of being sick.

  3. "And let the peace of Christ preside in your hearts"; if it does it helps us to put up with the rougher times outside.

    1. David:
      All the peace we get from God helps us as we go through life.

  4. Hi Quiet Spirit - We writers do keep our nose to the grindstone. :) I took four days off to enjoy being with special meetings at church and having the Lord refresh my spirit.

    1. Susan: Did you enjoy your days in those special meetings? We all need to have special times all God to re-create us.

  5. Hi Cecelia! Welcome back from your blogbreak!
    I find that I just crave quiet these days. I really miss it when life gets loud and hectic. I can't hear myself think, much less appreciate and listen to what God wants to tell me. Your campfire sounds wonderful, especially because you shared it with your family. Love that!

    1. Ceil:Thank you for stopping by. The longer I have quiet in my life, the more I believe unnecessary noise disrupts me. We,as people, need to leran to strive for a time of quietness in order to hear what God has to say to us.

  6. This was beautiful.

    Love that verse!


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