Monday, August 25, 2014

PUSH / A Book Review

       PUSH: Persevere Until Success Happens Through Prayer

Persevere Until Success Happens (through prayer) 
By Dr. Cindy Trimm

Doctor Trimm compares intercessory prayer with the process of giving birth. She takes us, her readers through the process of prayer and explains the phases in terms of the birthing process.

The first half of the book seemed deeper to me—it made me think. I relaxed more as I delved further into it. What I thought would be a lecture on prayer turned out to be a conversation, instead.

At the end of each chapter, she includes quotations from the Bible and from famous people-among them, Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, and Mahatma Gandhi.

At the end of her book, Dr. Trimm challenges us to “implement a success creed” for a period of 30 days. She then shares her personal creed as an example of what we might incorporate into ours. Her creed caused me to reflect on my life-the strengths as well as the shortcomings.

I would recommend this book to anyone who sincerely would want to go deeper in his or her faith. It could be a good book for a small group study. The one drawback I notice is that the price of the book might preclude some people from purchasing it.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, Destiny Image, through the Book Club Network (URL). All they asked me to do was read it and give an unbiased review.


  1. Thank you for your review. I appreciate your thoughts - it sounds like a good book. May need to pick this one up. Have a good week! :)

    1. I was challenged by the title. It was overall a good read,no t necessarily a fast one.

  2. Thanks for your review! I may need to pick it up at a later date. I'll bookmark it for now. I'm in the beginning of Leap Over a Wall by Eugene H. Peterson along with 1 and 2 Samuel so my "faith" reading is full at the moment.
    Thank you, again, for sharing!

    1. Tyrean: Thank you for stopping by. I have a print book and an e-book I am trying to read right now. Plus there is a Bible study I participate in on Wednesday night at church.


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