Monday, September 29, 2014

With You Always

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20 (NIV)

Jesus told the disciples these words near the end of His time on earth. We remember the last words people say when they depart from our presence. These were almost Jesus’s last words to the disciples.

What did Jesus mean when He said these comforting, yet challenging words? Did He qualify that thought with conditions? Jesus means what he says—He meant He would be with the disciples and followers. For us in the 21st Century, He says He will be there unconditionally, whatever our need, no matter how long it takes.

I have a friend who has had personal life threatening illness and the illness of her son for several years. When I heard she had to undergo a test due to a questionable x-ray, I sat and talked with her one evening. She is prepared for what she may have to endure because she knows Jesus IS with her.

When I had to go through some of the hardships that the world threw at me, I wish someone would have told me that this passage applied to me and that, especially during those times, Jesus stood by my side.

Jesus stands by our side every day of our lives. He doesn’t always make us aware of it, but His presence can be felt. 


  1. Hi Cecelia! I'm sure that God prepared you to minister to others through the conversation you had with your friend. Seems like we are the ones who think we are doing the ministering...and then God gives us a gift too. I hope you will always have someone at your side to remind you of his constant presence.

    Congrats on the win at Karen's place. Fun!

    1. Ceil: My friend actually ministered to me at the same time.

  2. ALWAYS... yes, that is when we feel it and when we don't :)

    1. I once read a book called, "God Works the Night Shift". The author's premise was that. in our earthly life, we have people who work at night and we don't realize it. God works the same way. Blessings on you and yours.

  3. I'm glad His presence doesn't depend on our feelings. Isn't that comforting??

    1. Yes, very comforting. Right now, some friends of mine and I need God's comforting.


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