Monday, October 13, 2014

Book Review:The Spirit-Filled Life By Charles F. Stanley

The Spirit-Filled Life
Dr. Stanley writes this book explaining what he himself has learned about the Holy Spirit’s place in the life of a believer.

He speaks of the Holy Spirit indwelling in the heart of those who choose to follow Jesus Christ. Jesus told his disciples he would send another helper to them after He left.

Dr. Stanley speaks of how the Holy Spirit will lead us and, yet, warn us if we start to do something foolish. We sometimes mess up because we have made one or more bad choices a lot of times. We don’t listen to the prompting the Spirit gives us and we get ourselves into embarrassing circumstances.

Dr. Stanley further explains that the Spirit warns us not when we cross the line or even get right on that line between right and wrong but before we even come close. He also explores that some of us can’t do seemingly harmless things because, while they don’t hurt us or anyone else, they lead to things that are sinful.  

When we surrender to the Holy Spirit, we turn our lives over to God’s control and gain strength and wisdom in how to live for Him.

I would recommend this book to anyone who struggles with understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in their life.

I received this book from Thomas Nelson Books, an imprint of Thomas Nelson through its Book Look Bloggers Review program. All they asked me to do was read it and give an impartial review.

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