Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Our Hope is in God

“No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame,
 but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse
 . . . guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.”
 Psalm 25:3-5 (NIV)

David pens these encouraging words. Each of God’s children who trust in Him and follow His guidance will never have to be embarrassed by their actions or decisions. 

Does this mean those who flaunt God’s laws, laugh at those who belong to Him, and create terror in the hearts of Christian believers will ultimately face God’s wrath and consequences? I believe it does.

I heard a true story of a little four-year-old girl asking a neighbor lady if she loved Jesus. The lady, in her early 60’s, responded that everyone loved Jesus. The child’s response was “But, do you love Him with all your heart?” The woman was floored by the second question. The little girl handed her a booklet entitled “Four Spiritual Laws.” A few days later,the girl’s mother was able to lead this neighbor lady to the LORD.

Jeremiah 29:13 tells us, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart.” We have to want to have Jesus in our hearts and lives. When we choose to allow Jesus to enter our hearts, He is able to keep us safe as He protects us from harm.

When we get the idea that we can do things ourselves, we run into trouble and begin to ‘have issues’ with everything.

When we admit we can’t do things without God’s help and place our hope in Him, we become pliable and allow the Father to mold us into what He wants for us.


  1. I am so glad we have hope in God. I am thankful too, that He is always there no matter what happens. Appreciate this reminder! )

    1. Karen: Thank you for stopping in. We have to have hope in God or we would be totally miserable.

  2. Thanks for this post Cecelia. I was just thinking this morning of doing a blog series on HOPE.... hhmmm, stay tuned :)

    1. Marja: Thank you for stopping in. Blessings on you and yours,

  3. Hi Cecelia! God uses everyone for his purpose. It might be surprising to use such a young one, but he knows what's effective!
    May I always remember that I need God's help in everything I do.
    Wednesday blessings,

    1. Ceil: Thank you for stopping in. The story tells me that God is in control and is willing to call the shots. Blessings to you and yours.


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