Friday, October 17, 2014

We Wait in Hope

“We wait in hope for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.
In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.”
Psalm 33:20-21(NIV)

               As children of God we learn to trust Him and go through the time between our request and His answer in hope.
               Hope, as defined in Unger’s Bible Dictionary, is described in the New Testament the expectation of good. The Old Testament, hope is expressed as “safety, security, trust.”
               Where do we, as believers, place our trust when things go wrong? We should place our faith in Jesus. He will lead us through the darkest times.
               He protects us as we walk through the deepest valleys, no matter how prolonged the time we are there..
               How should we respond to God’s help and protection? The psalmist tells us we should allow our hearts to rejoice. We should practice being thankful for what He has done, be it deliver us or a loved one from sin, healed someone from the ravages of a terminal disease, brought about a return of a prodigal son or daughter to Him.

               Dear Father God; Thank you for your help and protection as we go through life. We are thankful for what you for do for us, even when we have been unfaithful. We know you act out of your grace for each of us. We give You all the praise. In the Name of Jesus we pray. AMEN 


  1. Thank you for this post Cecelia, just this week I was thinking of doing a blog series on HOPE... so your post is a great inspiration. Have a good weekend.

    1. Marja: HOPE has been my word for this year. I find it interesting that my chosen word for each year becomes so dear to me. Last year my word was grace. In each year the word I chose spoke volumes to me.

  2. Thank you for reminding us that our hope is in Jesus. So very often we tend to put our hope in things and people, instead of fixing it on the one who takes care of us.

    1. Angela: Thank you for stopping in. We all need to be reminded of that message. Our pastor has to remind people that he is not the head of our church, Jesus is.


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